Hatteras Launches

The following map pinpoints the windsurfing launches of the North Carolina Outer Banks area. Hold your mouse over a launch for detailed information. Tidewater Virginia launches can be found here. Hatteras kiteboarding launches can be found here.

North Beach Sailing Center - Used to be a windsurfing shop but now just a colection of waterside shops. Shallow water as usual. Not a popular spot but sailable nonetheless. Jockeys Ridge - Nice soundside launch. Turn right immediately after the big sand dune across from Kitty Hawk Sports. At the end of the street, turn right into the parking lot. Just be out by sunset or your car will spend the night behind the locked gate. Windmill Point - Exchange the weeds for the jetskis and kites here. Somewhat muddy and the small islands can get in the way but otherwise a great spot for sailing across the to the other side. Launch right behind Kitty Hawk Sports. Good in S, SW, NW, N winds. Lots of food nearby. Morrisons Grove - In Manteo on Roanoke Island. Grassy lot with a small beach and good parking. Nice on a 5.0 day when the winds are NE. No weeds! You can see Jockey's ridge and Windmill Point clearly from here. Oregon Inlet S Turns - Good ocean launch. Easy shore break much of the time. Actually between the S-turns and Rodanthe, just north of the turtle fence on the dune. Park along the side of the road. Dr. Bobs - Site of the famous Rodanthefests. At the end of Corbina Drive, as soon as you get into Rodanthe. Turn at Midgett Realty. Look for the crowd of local sailors. Sailing best on S, SW, N, NW, & NE winds. Hatteras Island Sail Shop Salvo Day Use Area - Just south of Salvo. Nice grassy areas for rigging and other activities. Sailing best on S, SW, N, NW, and NE winds. No crowds here. Ramp 23 Ramp 34 - Nice ocean launch, especially for SW winds. 4WD required here. lst paved turnout north of Avon, Oceanside. Sailing best on N, and NE winds, but S and SW winds will work as well. Transformers - 1st jeep trail north of the Windsurfing Hatteras store. Mile post 53 and 54. Sailing best on SW, W, NW, N, & NE winds. Great launch for access to the reef on N and NW winds. 4WD sometimes required since sand can be soft and there may be deep holes filled with water. Sailing best on S, SW, N, NW, & NE winds. Island Creek - Great launch for access to the reef on N and NW winds. Launch behind Windsurfing Hatteras, especially if you know someone renting one of the many houses behind here. Sailing best on S, SW, N, NW, & NE winds. Ramp 38 ­- 1st paved turnout south of Avon, Oceanside.  Sailing best on S, SW, N, and NE winds. Canadian Hole - Most popular spot on the outer banks. Recently renamed as a day use area but still traditionally known as the Canadian Hole. Come in the spring and fall and you'll see why. Nice paved parking lot and hard packed sand to the south. Must rig in the sand or on the pavement however. Enclosed potties/changing rooms and a nice shower has been recently added. Watch out for sand bars to the north and the south. Also watch out for the deep area which is namesake of this launch. Great spot for both sound and ocean sailing since Ego Beach is right across the street and is an easy carry. Sailing best on S, SW, N, NW, & NE winds. Ego Beach - Across the street from the Canadian Hole. Recently renamed as a day use area but still traditionally known as the Canadian Hole. Come in the spring and fall and you'll see why. Nice paved parking lot and hard packed sand to the south. Must rig in the sand or on the pavement however. Enclosed potties/changing rooms and a nice shower has been recently added.

This is a convenient launch but it has some of the nastiest shore break of the entire island. Lots of masts have been left behind here.

Great spot for both sound and ocean sailing since Ego Beach is right across the street and is an easy carry. Ramp 45 - Guarded Beach (Ramp 45). Continue past Ramp 44 (see I I above) to parking area at end of pavement. Good Ocean access for ocean sailors
without 4WD. Sailing best on N, NE, S, & SW winds. Cape Point. Requires 4WD vehicle. Take road to campground and follow signs. Go past campground and take beach ramp 44 straight out to the beach.

Three sites here:

The Pond - lies to the right of the access road. Good flat water speed sailing on winds from any direction, but S is best.

Northside - launch point is about ¼ mile north of the Cape Hatteras Point. Sailing best on S, and SW winds but N, NE is OK.  Watch out for shoals offshore, strong currents, and fishermen.

Southside Cove - launch ¼ mile west of the Point. Sailing best on E, and SE winds, but W, and NW can be OK. Usually good wave riding. Soundside Restaurant. Located in Buxton directly to the rear of the Soundside Restaurant. Sailing best on W, NW, N, NE and E winds. Portajohn on site. Frisco Woods Campground - Nice campground. You can camp right on the beach. Small charge for launching if you are not camping here. Nice showers and bathrooms. Sailing best on W, NW, N, & NE winds. Frisco pier - Paved parking area Oceanside just south of Frisco Pier. Showers and restrooms on site; available seasonally. Sailing best on NE, E, and W winds. Ramp 54 - Paved parking area Oceanside across from Hatteras Coast Guard Station. Sailing best on NE & W winds. Hatteras turnout - Small paved parking area between Frisco and Hatteras. Sailing best on W, NW, N, & NE winds. Water can be very shallow here. Some good ramps however. Ramp 53 - Paved parking area Oceanside just north of Hatteras Village. Good sand bar off shore.  Sailing best on NE, E, & W winds. Hatteras inlet soundside - Sailing best on NE, E, & W winds.  OnMouseOut= Hatteras inlet oceanside - Requires 4WD vehicle. Take road toward Ocracoke ferry landing but continue straight down the island several miles on unpaved beach access road.  Sailing best on SW, W, NW, N, & NE winds on an incoming tide. Recommended for advanced sailors only.

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